For Sales Manager

Sales Enquiry Analysis

Leverage automated workflows to streamline sales inquiry analysis, prioritize follow-ups, and simplify task management for your sales team.


Discover how an automated workflow can streamline sales inquiry analysis and prioritize follow-ups, making task management easier for sales managers.
Sales Manager
Sales managers need promising sales lead to achieve company growth continuously. However, manual research from mass enquires is often time-consuming and prone to leave out important details.

How AI Agents Can Help?

Now with FabriXAI, you can create your agentic workflow to streamline sales enquriy analysis by reporting the enquirer's  background through:

  1. Retrieve background information from enquiry form
  2. Research enquirer's company background
  3. Research enquirer's personal background
  4. Generate report and recommend priority to follow-up
  5. Email report for sales manager to review


Save research time significantly
Maximize efficiency in lead optimization
Optimize sales team’s effectiveness

Highlighted Features of FabriXAI

AI Agent

Design your AI agents with a wide range of useful features that FabriXAI offers.

Agentic Workflow

Create an agentic workflow where multiple AI agents incorporate together to solve more complex tasks autonomously.


FabriXAI extends the capabilities of AI agents by providing a range of tools that can be invoked to enhance their functionality.

API Integration

Embed AI agents and workflow on different systems via APIs.


Sample AI Agent Usage from Our Clients

Discover a myriad of diverse and practical examples showcasing how you can use AI agents for different roles in your business.


Self-Optimizing SEO Planner for Marketing Officer

Streamline your SEO content planning with an agentic workflow as a regular practice.

Human Resources

Automated Payroll Calculator for HR Manager

Leverage an agentic workflow to streamline payroll calculations and generate monthly reports for your part-time workforce.

Project Management

Smart Task Creation for Project Manager

Leverage automated workflows to seamlessly transform meeting notes into tasks on third-party project management platforms.


Sales Enquiry Analysis for Sales Manager

Leverage automated workflows to streamline sales inquiry analysis, prioritize follow-ups, and simplify task management for your sales team.