The Power of AI Agent and How to Build AI Agents

Introducing AI Agents

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prominent. AI agents emerge as powerful tools that can automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and deliver personalized experiences. As the capabilities of these AI-powered agents continue to evolve, understanding their core concepts, applications, and development strategies has become crucial for businesses and individuals alike.

This comprehensive blog post will dive into the world of AI agents, exploring their fundamental characteristics, common use cases, and the benefits they can provide. Furthermore, we will delve into the process of building AI agents, including the essential steps, the role of low-code platforms, and the emerging trends that are shaping the future of this transformative technology.

What is an AI Agent?

An AI agent is an autonomous software system that can perceive its environment, make decisions, and take actions to achieve specific goals. These agents leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies and most importantly the Natural Language Processing (NLP) to operate independently and understand the instructions or goal to be achieved.

AI agents consist of multiple capabilities which make it stand out from other AI, includes:

  • Perception: The ability to collect data from its environment through sensors or other means like text inputs, documents, or even from a database.
  • Reasoning: The act of thinking about something logically in order to draw conclusion or make decision. To learn more about reasoning, check out our blog on Prompt Engineering: Mastering the Art of Generative AI.
  • Learning & Adaptation: The agent continuously learn from the results of its actions with the support of Large Language Model (LLM) and adjusts its behavior to improve performance over time. Learn more about LLM on Unveiling the Power of LLM: Shaping the AI Landscape.
  • Acting: AI agent can taken necessary steps to execute its chosen course of action in the real world based on the gathered information and the reasoning about the situation.
  • Objective: AI agents often designed with a clear objectives or goals as the expected outcome which could be ranged from simple tasks to more complex ones line optimizing business operation.
  • Autonomy: The ability to operate independently, making decisions and taking actions without the constant supervision or intervention of human users. This is often facilitated through the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which interact with applications, just like a human would, and requires defined rules to function.

For a more detailed explanation on AI agent, please visit the blog Introduction to Agentic AI and Agentic Workflow. Also, did you know that AI agents can be further enhanced by integrating with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for even greater efficiency? For more information, please check out our in-depth blog post on Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

AI Agent Workflow

Other than using the single agents itself, it is also common to connect multiple agents or APIs to facilitate tasking solving process or tackle more complex tasks. This connection of multiple agents or APIs are usually named as Multi-agent System (MAS) or in simple words, agentic workflow. There are a few keys that make workflow possible to solve more complex tasks:

  • Data Integration: AI agent workflow usually start with the seamless integration of data from various sources, such as databases, APIs, and real-time sensor inputs. This data serves as an extra data source for the agent's decision-making and learning processes.
  • Decision Points: Every AI agent are specialized with a specific subtask as a crucial decision point in the whole workflow. Through connecting multiple "decision points", the workflow will be possible to automate complex decisions which originally needs extensive human analysis
  • Feedback Mechanisms: AI agents incorporate feedback mechanisms that allow them to learn from their experiences and continuously improve their performance. This feedback can come from direct user input, monitoring of outcomes, or even from other agents which gives a review on its work.

Types of AI Agent

AI agents can be categorized into several different types, each with its own unique characteristics and capabilities.

1. Simple Reflex Agents

Simple reflex agents ignore the percept history and base their decisions solely on the state of their environment at the time, without taking long-term effects or planning into account. Therefore, this type of agents will have limited intelligence and not adaptive to the changes in the environment.

2. Model-Based Reflex Agents

These agents maintain an internal model of their environment, where model means "the knowledge about the world". Therefore, these agents are capable of tracking events and operating in partially visible environments which depends on the size of the model.

3. Goal-Based Agents

These agents add a goal to the model-based reflex agent to further extend its capabilities. With the goal they can decide on the best actions to take among all actions to meet the specific goal. This process of choosing the goal simulate the planning process and allow the agents to be proactive.

4. Utility-Based Agents

Further build on top of the goal-based agents, utility-based agents provide another component — utility, to measure the level of success on achieving the goal. Therefore, when there are multiple actions that could possibly achieve its goal, it is possible to differentiate between the actions with utility and choose the best step to take.

5. Learning Agents

These agents are designed to learn and improve their performance over time, adapting their behavior based on feedback and new experiences. For more details on different types of AI agents, please visit here for more information.

Building AI Agent: Basic Concept

A general process of building an AI agent typically involves the following key steps:

  1. Define the Agent's Goals: Clearly identify the objectives and desired outcomes the agent should achieve.
  2. Gather and Prepare Data: Collect relevant data and ensure it is cleaned, organized, and ready for use in the agent's training.
  3. Choose an AI/ML Approach: Select the appropriate AI and machine learning algorithms and techniques to power the agent's decision-making and behavior.
  4. Implement the Agent's Architecture: Design the agent's internal structure, including its perception, reasoning, and action components.
  5. Train and Optimize the Agent: Train the agent using the available data and fine-tune its performance through iterative testing and refinement.
  6. Deploy and Monitor the Agent: Integrate the agent into the target environment and continuously monitor its performance to ensure it is meeting the defined goals.

For simplicity, you may use some pre-trained LLM, which allow understanding on your instructions or inputs, like ChatGPT as the foundation to get start and make use of some framework like AutoGen, a framework for developing AI agents or multi-agent workflow. For more information on how to set up a AutoGen's agent, go check out the tutorial on Building Your First Agentic AI with AutoGen Framework.

AI Agent Use Cases

AI agents are capable of assisting humans with a wide range of tasks as mentioned above, but how might we really use them in the real world? The followings are a few example use cases on applying agents across various industries:

1. Educational & Tutoring

AI agents are being developed to serve as personalized tutors and learning companions. These agents can adapt to the individual learning styles and needs of students, providing customized content, real-time feedback, and adaptive lesson plans. To find out how to actually set up a AI tutor, please refer to the tutorial on building an AI tutor.

2. Sales Enquiry Analysis

With agentic workflow, sales managers can generate sales enquiry analysis by reporting the enquirer's company and personal background autonomously for finding promising sales lead to achieve company growth continuously. For a detailed look at this powerful workflow, check out the sample use case on FabriXAI—the low-code platform for building transformative AI agents.

3. Payroll Processing Streamline

Agentic workflow can calculate payroll for part-time worker or freelancers and generate monthly report through accessing the timesheet from company's database and make use of calculation tools. This could simplify the work for HR admin from a time-consuming analysis to a simple reviewing task, which increases the efficiency and reduces human error. To see this impressive workflow in action, explore the sample use case featured on FabriXAI.

For more detailed and specific use case, you may refer to the post introducing agentic AI.

What are the Benefits of Building an AI Agent?

Building an AI agent can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Improved Efficiency and Productivity: AI agents can automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and operate 24/7, leading to increased productivity and reduced labor costs.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Ai agents and recommender systems can provide personalized and engaging interactions, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Intelligent agents can analyze vast amounts of data and provide actionable insights to support more informed decision-making.
  4. Scalability and Adaptability: AI agents can easily scale to handle increased workloads and adapt to changing environments or user needs through creating a workflow.

Interested in building your own AI agents? Check out our tutorial on creating an AI assistant.

Challenges of Using AI Agent

While the potential of AI agents is vast, there are several key challenges that must be addressed to ensure a successful deployment:

1. Data Privacy

One of the primary concerns when it comes to AI agents is the issue of data privacy. These agents often require access to sensitive user data, such as personal information, browsing history, and behavior patterns, in order to provide personalized services and recommendations. Ensuring the secure storage, processing, and protection of this data is crucial to maintain user trust and comply with evolving data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

2. Ethical Challenges

As AI agents become more sophisticated and autonomous, they raise important ethical questions. These include issues of transparency and accountability, algorithmic bias, and the potential for AI agents to make decisions that have significant impact on human lives. Developers must carefully consider the ethical implications of their AI agent's behaviors and actions, and implement robust safeguards to ensure that these agents are aligned with human values and interests.

3. Technical Complexities

Building effective and reliable AI agents requires overcoming a range of technical challenges. These include the development of robust natural language processing and understanding capabilities, the integration of diverse data sources, the creation of adaptive and context-aware decision-making algorithms, and the implementation of scalable and secure infrastructure to support the deployment of these agents. Addressing these technical complexities often requires interdisciplinary collaboration and the adoption of advanced tools and techniques.

Low-Code Basics: The Future of App Development

The rise of AI agents has paved the way for an even more accessible and democratized approach to building intelligent software systems. As the underlying technologies continue to mature, the introduction of low-code and no-code platforms has empowered a wider range of individuals and organizations to create and deploy their own AI agents.

What is Low-Code

Low-code is an visual software development approach that allow users to build applications with minimal or no traditional coding. The platforms with such approach usually include the use of APIs, automated workflows, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop interfaces, which facilitate a quicker application creation and deployment. Learn more about low-code on Low-Code Applications: Revolutionizing Development with Low-Code Platforms.

Full-Code vs Low-Code vs No-Code

No-code is similar to low-code but further reduces the amount of coding practice to none, which allow people without any coding capability could create computer software and website including AI agents. The platforms with no-code approach usually support drag-and-drop capabilities, process flows, and other visual tools.

The following is a table compare between full-code, low-code and no-code approach:

Full-code Low-code No-code
Target Audience Technician with high coding capability People with basic coding knowledge People without any coding knowledge/non-developers
Coding Practice required All Minimal None
Development Speed Slow (completely code-based and required testing) Fast (use of visual developments tools and pre-configured components) Fast (use of visual developments tools and pre-configured components)
Flexibility High (Allow maximum flexibility and control) Medium (Allow some customization through some coding part) Low (Allow minimum flexibility due to the use of pre-built tools)
Collaboration More challenging to collaborate between multiple departments due to technical complexity Promotes collaboration across departments Promotes collaboration across departments
Maintenance Complex and time-consuming Easier to maintain and update due to visual and modular component Easiest to maintain and update due to visual, modular component and none coding parts required set up and testing
Examples AutoGen, CrewAI FabriXAI, VectorShift, Relevance AI

Therefore, low-code approach meets the balance between full-code and no-code. It allow users with limited coding background to build their own software easily and ensure the collaboration between different departments while still retain a certain degree of flexibility and customization on the software, which makes it a suitable enterprise solution for building an AI agents.

Future Trends in AI Agents and Agentic Workflows

As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see several trends in developing and applying AI agents in workplace:

  • Low-Code/No-Code AI Agent Development: As low-code and no-code platforms proliferate, non-technical users will find it simpler to build their own AI agents, democratizing the field.
  • Increased Autonomy and Adaptability: AI agents will become more self-sufficient, able to make complex decisions and adapt to changing environments without extensive human supervision.
  • Multimodal Interaction: Agents will leverage a combination of natural language, visual, and other sensory inputs from multiple sources to engage with users more naturally and effectively.
  • Ethical and Trustworthy AI: There will be a greater emphasis on ensuring AI agents are designed and deployed in a responsible and transparent manner, addressing concerns around bias, privacy, and accountability.


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of AI agents in shaping the future of technology and innovation is undeniable. These intelligent software systems have the potential to transform a wide range of industries, from personal tutoring to processing employees’ payroll. However, the development and deployment of AI agents are not without their challenges.

Looking ahead, the future of AI agents is filled with exciting possibilities. As the underlying technologies continue to advance, we can expect to see sophisticated and adaptable agents or workflows that can empower us to achieve our goals more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, the emergence of low-code and no-code platforms is making it easier for a wider range of individuals and organizations to create and deploy their own AI agents. By embracing the power of AI agents and continuously exploring new frontiers, we can unlock a world of possibilities and usher in a new era of intelligent, user-centric technology.

Common AI Agents FAQ

1. Is ChatGPT an AI agent?

Not really. ChatGPT is a LLM developed by OpenAI. Although It do have some characteristic of AI agents such as autonomy (generating response without relying on preprogrammed script), goal-oriented (assist users by providing helpful information, answering questions, and completing tasks), and perception (make use of the inputs to generate corresponding responses), it still miss some important capabilities that AI agents have. For example, it cannot really learn or update its knowledge in real time, and it is not adapt with tools or communicate with other AI agents on it own. Therefore, ChatGPT is more like a foundation of an AI agent that make it possible to understand language rather than an AI agent itself.

2. Is AI agent biased?

Possible. AI agent could be biased mainly due to the following perspectives:

  • Training Data: The data used to train AI models can contain human-created biases, stereotypes, and prejudices. If the training data reflects societal biases, the AI agent may learn and perpetuate those biases.
  • Algorithm: The machine learning algorithms used to train AI agents can inadvertently amplify or introduce biases, even if the training data is unbiased. Decisions made by AI agents are ultimately based on the algorithms powering them, which may have inherent biases.
  • Developer: The humans who design, develop, and deploy AI agents may have their own biases and assumptions that get reflected in the final system. Lack of diversity and inclusive practices in AI development teams can contribute to biased outputs.

3. What are some more potential applications of AI agents?

AI agents have a wide range of applications, including personal assistants, chatbots, autonomous vehicles, robotic systems, recommendation engines, financial trading, and medical diagnosis. They can excel at tasks that require rapid data processing, pattern recognition, or complex decision-making.

4. How AI agents learn and improve over time?

Agents can use feedback from their environment, interactions with users, or new data to refine their models and improve their performance. Common methods include reinforcement learning, where agents learn from trial and error, and deep learning, where neural networks can be continuously updated with new information.

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