Teach Yourself with AI – Build an AI Tutor for Personalized Knowledge Growth

Have you ever wished for a tutor who is always available, perfectly patient, and tailored just to your learning needs? Welcome to the future of education, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes this possible,  but does so in a way that’s more accessible and cost-effective than you might expect. AI tutors are revolutionizing the way we learn by providing personalized educational experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can harness the power of AI to create your own tutor and take charge of your knowledge growth.

What are AI Tutors, and how do they compare to real ones?

AI tutors are sophisticated programs to provide educational assistance and personalized learning experiences. Unlike traditional learning methods, AI tutors can adapt to your pace, style, and educational needs, offering help exactly where and when you need it. AI Tutors have undergone a remarkable evolution; what was once a complex and advanced undertaking has been greatly simplified with the advent of contemporary AI technologies like ChatGPT.

Nowadays, these sophisticated systems are within reach for those without a deep technical background, making the creation of an AI tutor more accessible than ever before – The secret lies in their programming—a process known as prompt engineering. Prompt allows individuals to ‘program’ or guide AI behavior using natural language commands. This means you can instruct the AI in your native language, without the need for traditional coding skills. By crafting prompts effectively, everyone of you can tailor the AI’s responses and teaching methods to suit various educational needs, creating a personalized learning environment that was previously difficult to achieve without significant investment and specialized expertise.

However. why do we need an AI tutor if I can find a real ones? Finding an effective traditional tutor can be challenging due to cost constraints, availability, and the inherent limitations in personalization. Human tutors, despite their expertise, may not always have the capacity to provide instant, round-the-clock assistance or adapt to each student’s unique learning style. In contrast, AI tutors offer scalable, personalized tutoring solutions that overcome these barriers, though they may not yet replicate the nuanced understanding and interpersonal connection a human tutor can provide. This democratization of AI educational tools has the potential to revolutionize how we approach teaching and learning, breaking down barriers and opening up new possibilities for personalized education on a global scale.

Let’s have a quick taste of AI Tutors with the following live example before we go further

The Basics of Building an AI Tutor

Believe me, every one of you can build an AI Tutor in a handy way, but there are still tricks to building a better one. The journey begins by pinpointing your educational objectives and acquiring an aptitude for prompt engineering—the art of crafting effective AI interactions. Here’s a structured approach to get you started:

  1. Define Your Objectives: Clarify what you wish to achieve with your AI Tutor. Whether it’s mastering a complex subject or grasping the basics, having clear, measurable goals will direct the AI’s focus and structure.
  2. Understand Your Learner Profile: Recognize your unique learning style. Do visuals strengthen your understanding, or do you grasp concepts better through text? Would you benefit from numerous examples, or do you prefer immediate hands-on problem-solving? This understanding will help tailor the AI’s teaching methods to your preferences.
  3. Consider Learning Depth: Assess the level of depth you expect in your learning journey. Are you looking for a comprehensive understanding or just an overview? Your AI Tutor’s responses should reflect the complexity of the knowledge you are seeking.
  4. Choose the Appropriate Tone: Decide on the tone of interaction that best suits you. Would a formal and authoritative voice aid your learning, or a friendly and conversational tone make you more comfortable? The tone can significantly impact your engagement and the effectiveness of the tutor.
  5. Select Your Language: Determine which language will be the medium of instruction. Using your native language can facilitate a more intuitive and seamless learning experience, enhancing comprehension and interaction with the AI.
  6. Learn the Basics of Prompt Engineering: Invest time in understanding how accessible AI platforms, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Poe, function and the kind of prompts that elicit the best educational content. Practice writing prompts that can guide the AI to deliver content that aligns with your objectives, learning style, desired depth, tone, and language.

By considering these facets, you can customize an AI Tutor that not only aligns with your educational needs but also resonates with your personal learning preferences, ensuring a more effective and enjoyable educational experience.

Choosing the Right AI Platform as Your AI Playground

When venturing into the world of AI Tutors, one of the most critical steps is selecting the right AI platform to serve as your playground. For those without a technical background, it’s important to choose a platform that minimizes complexity and allows you to concentrate on developing and refining your prompts.

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Look for platforms with an intuitive interface, where you can easily input prompts and understand the responses without needing to navigate through technical jargon or complicated settings.
  • Prompt Focus: Choose a platform that emphasizes prompt development. This means that the platform should enable you to experiment with different ways of asking questions or giving instructions to see how the AI responds.
  • Rapid Iteration: The platform should allow for quick testing and tweaking of prompts, so you can iteratively improve and understand your AI Tutor’s capabilities and limitations.
  • Community and Support: A strong user community and readily available support resources can be invaluable when you’re starting out. They can provide examples, advice, and troubleshooting help.

When selecting an AI platform to develop your AI Tutor, it’s important to find one that allows you to focus on crafting prompts without getting entangled in technical details. Two popular AI platforms that cater to these needs are OpenAI and Poe. While OpenAI is renowned for its advanced language models like ChatGPT, providing robust APIs and user-friendly interfaces, it’s worth noting that OpenAI’s services are not universally accessible in every country. This is where Poe emerges as a commendable alternative, offering similar capabilities without the complexity of setting up additional tools to bypass regional restrictions.

For those unfamiliar, a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that creates a secure and encrypted connection over the internet. It can mask your IP address and make it appear as though you are accessing the internet from a different location. This can sometimes enable users to access services not available in their country. However, setting up a VPN adds an extra step and can complicate the user experience.

Poe stands out for its global accessibility, eliminating the need for a VPN, which simplifies the process for users. This makes it an especially attractive option for individuals seeking an uncomplicated entry point into the world of AI, ensuring you can focus entirely on developing effective educational prompts and testing them in real-time.

By prioritizing these factors, non-technical individuals can enjoy a smoother journey into creating effective AI Tutors, focusing on the creative aspect of prompt crafting without getting bogged down by the underlying technical complexities.

Designing Effective Prompts

In the realm of artificial intelligence, a “prompt” is more than just a regular message; it’s a carefully crafted input designed to elicit a specific response or action from an AI. Unlike casual messages we exchange in daily communication, prompts are structured to optimize the AI’s understanding and output, making them fundamental to the success of an AI Tutor.

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is a combination of words, questions, or instructions that you provide to an AI system. Think of it as a starting block in a conversation with the AI that guides it towards the kind of response you’re looking for. It sets the context and provides direction, which is why a prompt is not merely a normal message—it’s the catalyst for the AI’s behavior. Check out Prompt Engineering: Mastering the Art of Generative AI to learn more about prompt engineering.

Composition of an Effective Prompt

In the context of AI interactions, especially when designing an AI Tutor, the composition of your prompt is critical for effective communication. A well-structured prompt should include the following elements:

  • Clarity: It is essential to use clear and concise language in your prompt to avoid any potential misunderstandings. A straightforward prompt helps the AI to process your request more accurately, leading to better responses.
  • Context: Providing context within your prompt is like giving the AI a frame of reference. It helps the AI understand the premise of the question or the task at hand. Without sufficient context, the AI might not grasp the nuances of the request, which can lead to less relevant responses.
  • Instruction: Your prompt should explicitly state what you want the AI to do. Whether it’s answering a specific question, creating a piece of content, or solving a problem, the instruction should be direct and unambiguous.
  • Tone: The tone of your prompt signals to the AI the style in which you want it to respond. If you’re looking for a formal explanation, your prompt should be formal. If you prefer a conversational response, the prompt should reflect a conversational tone. This helps ensure that the interaction matches your expectations and feels natural.

In crafting your prompts, remember that the AI’s ability to understand and respond effectively hinges on how well you communicate your needs. By paying close attention to these elements, you can create prompts that lead to meaningful and productive exchanges with your AI Tutor.

Examples of Good and Bad Prompts

Let’s use an example of what is “stock market” and how we can define a more effective prompt

Examples of Clarity

Prompt Type Prompt
Good Prompt “Explain what the stock market is and how it functions for a beginner investor.”
AI's response “The stock market is a public marketplace where stocks, or shares of ownership in companies, are bought and sold. It functions as a platform where investors can purchase these shares in hopes that their value will increase over time, allowing them to sell for a profit. The market is influenced by supply and demand, economic indicators, and company performance, among other factors.”
Bad Prompt “Tell me about stocks and stuff.”
AI's Response “Stocks, or shares, represent partial ownership in a company. ‘Stuff’ is a very broad term. Could you specify what additional information you need about stocks or the financial market?”

Examples of Context

Prompt Type Prompt
Good Prompt “As someone interested in starting to invest, I’d like to understand the basic principles of the stock market and its role in the economy.”
AI's response “The stock market is integral to the economy as it provides companies with access to capital in exchange for shares. Investors buy these shares to partake in the company’s potential profits. A healthy stock market often reflects a healthy economy, as it means companies are growing and investors are confident.”
Bad Prompt “Stocks?”
AI's Response “Stocks are financial instruments that represent an ownership share in a company. If you’d like to learn more about the stock market and investing in stocks, please provide a more specific question or topic.”

Examples of Instruction

Prompt Type Prompt
Good Prompt “Could you list the main functions of the stock market and describe the process of buying stocks?”
AI's response “The main functions of the stock market are to facilitate the buying and selling of stocks, provide a platform for price discovery, and offer a way for companies to raise capital. When buying stocks, an investor opens a brokerage account, deposits funds, selects the stocks they wish to purchase, and places a buy order, which is executed at the market or at a set price.”
Bad Prompt “Do stock market.”
AI's Response “It seems you’re asking for information on the stock market, but the request is unclear. Are you looking for a description of what the stock market is, guidance on how to invest in it, or something else? Please provide more details.”

Examples of Tones

Prompt Type Prompt
Good Prompt “I’m new to finance and a bit overwhelmed. Can you give me a friendly introduction to what the stock market is?”
AI's response “Absolutely! Think of the stock market as a big supermarket for investments. Companies come here to sell pieces of themselves, called stocks, to people who want to own a part of that company. If the company does well, so do you; if it doesn’t, the value of your piece might go down. It’s like a financial adventure park where everyone’s trying to buy a ticket to the next big success story!”
Bad Prompt “Stock market go brrr?”
AI's Response “It seems like you’re referring to the stock market’s activity humorously. ‘Brrr’ is often used to mimic the sound of a machine, suggesting that the market is continuously operating at a fast pace. If you’re looking for a more detailed explanation of how the stock market works, please let me know!”

Language Considerations for Prompts

Prompts do not necessarily need to be in English. AI systems, especially the more advanced ones like those offered by OpenAI, can understand and respond to a multitude of languages. However, English is often used as the primary language for prompts because it’s the language that many AI models are predominantly trained on, which can sometimes make it the most effective choice for communication.

That said, using your native language for prompts can be beneficial if it’s supported by the AI platform. It allows for a more natural interaction and can be especially helpful in educational settings where comprehension is critical. If the AI is adequately trained in your language, the effectiveness of prompts in that language could be equivalent to, or even surpass, English.

Personalizing Your Learning Experience

In the realm of education, one size does not fit all. A key advantage of an AI tutor is its capability to tailor the learning experience to individual preferences and needs. This personalization extends far beyond simple content adaptation—it’s about customizing the AI tutor’s persona and its way of interacting to suit your unique learning style.

Finding Your Perfect Educational Match

Think back to a time when you learned something new. Perhaps it was a musical instrument, a new game, or a language. You may have encountered various instructors along the way, each with their own teaching style. Some were perhaps more methodical and structured, while others were more casual and conversational. Reflect on which approach resonated with you the most and why. Was it the teacher who patiently guided you through each step, or the one who threw you into challenging scenarios to learn through doing?

Your preferred style of learning is deeply personal. For some, the best teacher isn’t always the one with the most accolades or the vastest knowledge. Instead, it’s the teacher who teaches in a way that aligns with your characteristics and natural inclinations.

AI-Powered Customization

Our AI tutor takes this concept to the next level. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, it can adapt not just what it teaches but how it teaches. Here are a few examples of how personalization can manifest:

  • Adaptive Response Style: If you thrive on detailed explanations and thorough breakdowns, the AI can adopt a more analytical and systematic teaching method. Conversely, if you prefer a high-level overview with the freedom to explore, the AI can provide more succinct responses that encourage independent thought and discovery.
  • Persona Tailoring: Some learners respond best to a mentor with a serious and professional demeanor, while others might prefer a friendly and approachable guide. The AI tutor can adjust its tone and persona to create a comfortable learning atmosphere for you.
  • Interactive Learning: Perhaps interactive quizzes and challenges stimulate your learning best. The AI can incorporate these elements to make the educational process more engaging and effective for you.

By engineering prompts and shaping the AI’s interactions, we can create a learning experience that feels like it was made just for you. The best teacher for you is one that understands your learning pace, your interests, and your goals—qualities that an AI tutor can emulate with precision. It’s about forging a partnership where the AI complements your learning journey, helping you to realize your full potential in a way that feels natural and personal.

Embark on a learning adventure where the experience is tailored to fit not just your educational needs, but your personal essence. Let’s make learning an experience that feels as natural as a conversation with a good friend—where every interaction brings you closer to mastering your chosen subject.

Defining the AI Tutor’s Styles

Personifying your AI tutor can make learning more engaging and relatable. To create a persona, you should consider the following:

  • Tone: Decide whether the AI should have a formal, academic tone, a casual and friendly approach, or even a humorous one.
  • Character: Determine if the AI should embody a certain character, such as a supportive coach, a knowledgeable professor, or a peer learner.
  • Interactivity: Choose how interactive the AI should be. Should it take the lead in learning sessions, or provide guidance only when prompted by the user?

Below are examples for three different teaching styles—Analytical, Encouraging, and Socratic—with sample prompts and the AI’s potential responses to illustrate each style.

Analytical Teaching Style

Sample Prompt

Explain the concept of recursion in Python with a detailed step-by-step analysis.

Sample AI Response

Recursion in Python refers to a function calling itself to solve a problem that can be broken down into smaller, sub-problems. Here’s a step-by-step analysis:

1. Base Case: A recursion must have a base case that stops the recursion, preventing infinite loops. For example, when calculating the factorial of a number, the base case is when the number is 0 or 1.
2. Recursive Case: This is where the function calls itself with a smaller or modified parameter. Continuing with the factorial example, the recursive case is n * factorial(n-1) for n > 1.
3. Unwinding the Stack: Each recursive call adds a layer to the call stack. When the base case is reached, the stack starts to unwind, resolving each call with the returned values until the initial call is resolved.

Let’s look at a simple implementation for factorial in Python:

def factorial(n):
    if n in (0, 1):  # Base case
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)  # Recursive case
With factorial(5), the recursive calls happen like this:

				factorial(1) # Base case reached, start unwinding

Encouraging Teaching Style

Sample Prompt:

"I'm struggling to understand list comprehensions in Python. Can you help me in a way that's uplifting and reassuring?"

Sample AI Response:

Absolutely, I’m here to help! List comprehensions may seem tricky at first, but once you get the hang of them, they’re a very efficient and elegant way to create lists. Think of them as a concise way to transform one list into another. Let’s break it down together, and I’m confident you’ll be able to master this concept.

Imagine you want to create a list of squares. The traditional loop method might look like this:

squares = []
for x in range(10):
    squares.append(x * x)
With a list comprehension, you can do this in one line!

squares = [x * x for x in range(10)]

Isn’t that neat? You’ve got this! Keep practicing, and you’ll be writing list comprehensions like a pro in no time.

Socratic Teaching Style

Sample Prompt:

Guide me through the process of finding the maximum value in a list in Python using the Socratic method.

Sample AI Response:

Let’s explore this together. What do you think would be the first step in determining the maximum value in a list?

(If the learner suggests starting with the first value in the list)

That’s a great start. If we consider the first element as the initial maximum, how might we compare it with the other elements in the list to find the true maximum?

(If the learner suggests comparison using a loop)

Precisely. A loop would allow us to examine each element. Now, imagine we encounter a value larger than our current maximum—what should we do with this new information?

(If the learner suggests updating the maximum)

Exactly. By updating our maximum each time we find a larger value, we can ensure that at the end of our loop, we hold the highest value in the list. Can you think of how we might translate this logic into Python code?

By crafting prompts tailored to the desired teaching style, you can shape the AI’s responses to provide a personalized learning experience that fits the learner’s needs and preferences.

Selection of LLM Models and Impact on AI Tutor Quality

The selection of the appropriate Large Language Model (LLM) for an AI Tutor is a critical step that directly influences the quality of the tutoring service. When developers have crafted their initial version of prompts, choosing the right LLM is the next pivotal decision. This choice can greatly impact the AI Tutor’s effectiveness, even if the prompts remain constant. Here’s a focused look at the primary considerations for prompt developers when selecting an LLM

Size and Sophistication: The size of the model often correlates with its understanding and response generation capabilities. Larger models may provide more detailed and nuanced explanations, which can enhance the learning experience.

Functional Strengths: Different models excel in various aspects of language understanding and generation. It’s important to choose a model with strengths that align with the educational focus of the AI Tutor, whether it be complex technical subjects or more general conversational learning.

Subject Specialization: Some LLMs are designed with a focus on specific domains. An AI Tutor that aims to teach specialized subject matter may benefit from an LLM that has a stronger grasp in that particular field.

Customization Potential: Models that allow developers to tailor their behavior can lead to more personalized and effective AI Tutors. The ability to fine-tune responses according to different teaching styles is a key factor in the selection process.

This table offers a simplified overview of the potential strengths and ideal use cases for some of the standard models that are more accessible nowadays. However, actual performance and suitability will depend on real-world testing and user feedback.

AI Model Description Strengths Ideal for
ChatGPT GPT-3 variant fine-tuned for conversation. – Generally Free
– Engaging and conversational.
Interactive learning, basic to intermediate topics.
GPT-4 Advanced GPT model with more parameters. – In-depth responses, nuanced understanding. Complex subjects, higher education.
Claude Instant Hypothetical model optimized for speed. – Generally Free
– Rapid responses.
Time-sensitive learning, quick interactions.
Claude 2 Hypothetical improved version of Claude. – Balance of speed and depth. General learning with a need for quicker responses.
Claude 3 Hypothetical domain-specialized model. – In-depth knowledge in specialized areas. Specialized education, professional training.
Gemini-Pro Hypothetical professional-grade AI model. – Complex problem-solving, high accuracy. Advanced studies, research, professional development.

Testing Your AI Tutor and Improvements

The development of an AI Tutor is an iterative process that hinges on the effectiveness of user testing and continuous improvements. It’s essential for developers to not only rely on theoretical models and algorithms but also to engage directly with the AI Tutor themselves or to facilitate tests with potential users. This hands-on approach is crucial for collecting genuine feedback that can guide meaningful enhancements to the AI Tutor’s performance.

User Testing and The Power of Feedback

Direct Experience: Immersing yourself in the AI Tutor experience can provide invaluable insights into its functionality and user interface. It allows developers to identify any technical issues, such as response accuracy and latency, and to gauge the intuitiveness of the interaction.

Potential User Trials: Sharing the AI Tutor with a sample of the target audience is an indispensable step to understand the user experience from their perspective. It reveals how users interact with the AI, the challenges they face, and the features they find most beneficial.

Data-Driven Insights: User feedback is a goldmine of information that can highlight what the AI Tutor does well and what needs refinement. This data should be collected systematically to inform the iteration process.

Qualitative Observations: Beyond quantitative data, subjective feedback about the AI Tutor’s teaching style, tone, and engagement level can be critical in making the AI more relatable and effective.


Building your own AI tutor is an empowering step towards personalized knowledge growth. By understanding prompt engineering and the importance of personalization, you can create a learning tool that adapts to you, not the other way around. The journey of lifelong learning is now more accessible and individualized than ever.

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